Back to School

Jr. NETS & Jr. Liberty Basketball League


Back in Brownsville

''and we never run and we never will''


Saturday, October 12th

@ Brownsville Collaborative Middle School  

85 Watkins Street  

Brownsville 11212


9:00 am grades: 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th

11:30 am grades: 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th

1:00 pm grades: Pre K, K, 1st 2nd


bring you basketball

wear your coney uniform



pre K - 12th grade

both boys and girls

everyone makes a team

everyone plays half of every game

minimum 8 sessions

training, workouts, games

tuition $350

make the payment at the top of the page



Back to School - Jr. NETS Basketball League



Sign up NOW for more information call 718-751-6931




  • Pre K and K
  • 1st and 2nd grades
  • 3rd and 4th grades
  • 5th and 6th grades
  • 7th and 8th grades
  • 9th and 10th grades                    
  • 11th and 12th grades 
training, practice, games
skills, drills
once a week, 
in/outdoor basketball league
both boys and girls
awards and prizes
everyone plays half of every game 
Brooklyn USA Back to School - Jr NETS Basketball League
any questions please call or text 718-751-6931
Brooklyn USA is offering tutoring
and homework help to all Jr. NETS
League and travel team Members.

Brooklyn USA Basketball 

Mail Address Only!     

Do Not Come Down 

Brooklyn USA Basketball 
315 Flatbush Ave

Suite 398
Brooklyn, New York 11217

718 751-6931 



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